
Gadsden Investigations

U.S. Army Veteran | Licensed Private Investigator - AL Lic # 839

Have you Ever Been Cheated On?

Maybe you know of someone whose been cheated on. Chances are that the answer is yes. Today, cheating is more common than ever. With hookup apps like Tinder and dozens of online dating sites, it's never been easier to cheat and get away with it.

If your partner has a smartphone, or even just access to the Internet, (s)he could be sneaking around behind your back and you may never know it! If you think it could never happen to you, think again. It is estimated that 30-60% of all married people in the U.S. cheat on their spouse, and this number is even higher for people who are dating. This means that if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, statistically they're more likely to cheat on you than they are to stay faithful.

Since online affairs are so easy to cover up, how can you know for sure that your partner is loyal? You can't, but there’s a good chance if (s)he is sneaking away from you to text or talk, there may be a need for concern. But then again (s)he may be planning some special surprise. You be the judge.

If you suspect (s)he is cheating, get the peace of mind you need. At Gadsden Investigations, we discover the truth. Simply fill out the contact form for complete anonymity. You may also call us or email hand at gadsdeni dot com. 

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