Once I accept an assignment and the scope of the assignment is clear, a full background investigation is launched. A background investigation helps determine a person’s activities and behavioral patterns. Surveillance can be scheduled around that information and focus can be made on the times that I’m most likely to capture evidence. While conducting surveillance, I give my client real-time updates twice daily so that we can make the best decisions on how to proceed and with their best interests in mind.
Within 48 hours of completing surveillance I complete a full report along with video evidence for client review. The client not only receives the report, but with that I explain in detail the report summary and break it down so the client can be best informed on how to proceed with their case.
Prior to the investigation
In order to begin my investigation I need personal information about the claimant, including: name, date of birth, social security number, address, photo, the time of the claimant’s work shift, information about upcoming appointments and why the investigation is being initiated. I confirm the claimant’s residence and monitor social media activities for inconsistencies. Also, I check criminal records and check for licenses or other certifications. This helps to achieve the best possible results. I’ll also ask if there have been any prior investigations and how much risk you are willing to accept during this investigation.
Reasonable expectations for an investigation
For me, a successful case is one in which I positively identify the claimant and record their activities for the period of time that was agreed upon without incident. This does not mean that the activities observed during surveillance will significantly impact the conclusion of the claim. I will establish a relationship with someone from your organization who can make decisions regarding the investigation.
Outcomes of the investigation
The goal of any investigation should be to evaluate illegal or harmful behavior. Other possible outcomes of investigations can include creating a culture of accountability wherein the misuse of disability benefits is discouraged, reducing frivolous expenses by minimizing unnecessary surgeries and procedures.